Program Chairs

General Chair

Monson Hayes
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA

General Co-Chair

Hanseok Ko
Korea University
Seoul, South Korea

Finance Chair

Finance Chair

Jim Jones
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA

Technical Program Committee

Technical Program Chair

Dan Schonfeld
University of Illinois, Chicago
Chicago, Illinois

Technical Program Co-Chair

Pascale Fung
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong Kong, China

Technical Program Co-Chair

Nam Ik Cho
Seoul National University
Seoul, South Korea

Special Sessions Chair

Tulay Adali
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Baltimore, Maryland

Special Sessions Co-Chair

Seungjin Choi
Pohang University of Science and Technology
Pohang, South Korea

Tutorial Sessions Chair

Homer Chen
National Taiwan University
Taipei City, Taiwan

Tutorial Sessions Co-Chair

Chungyong Lee
Yonsei University
Seoul, South Korea

Plenary Sessions

Henrique Malvar
Microsoft Research
Redmond, Washington

Plenary Sessions Co-Chair

Changick Kim
Daejeon, South Korea

Show and Tell Chair

Umit Batur
Faraday Future
Gardena, California

Show and Tell Co-Chair

Yoan Shin
Soongsil University
Seoul, South Korea

Innovative Programs Chair

John Apostolopoulos
Cisco Systems
San Jose, California

Educational Initiatives Co-Chair

Kyogu Lee
Seoul National University
Seoul, South Korea

Educational Initiatives Co-Chair

Raed Shubair
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Women in Engineering Chair

Susie Wee
Cisco Systems
San Jose, California

Organizing Committee

Exhibits Chair

Sanghoon Lee
Yonsei University
Seoul, South Korea

Industrial Relations Chair

Hakil Kim
Inha University
Seoul, South Korea

Industrial Program Chair

Peter Tu
GE Global Research
Schenectady, New York

Industrial Program Co-Chair

David K. Han
Army Research Lab
United States

Registration Chair

Joon-Hyuk Chang
Hanyang University
Seoul, South Korea

Publicity Chair

Hongkook Kim
Gwangju, South Korea

SPS Membership Chair

Namsoo Kim
Seoul National University
Seoul, South Korea

Awards Chair

Bowon Lee
Inha University
Seoul, South Korea

GOLD Chair

Hyung-Min Park
Sogang University
Seoul, South Korea